Instilling a sense of resourcefulness one project at a time.

 How can you live chorelessly?

It takes a little bit of effort and creativity, but it involves adapting a DIY before buy lifestyle while consciously making greener choices. Don’t beat yourself up if you slip up from time to time, in the grand scheme of things, your mindfulness and commitment to making a positive impact will shine through.


A little something rosy and spicy to sip on, to nip the winter blues right in the bud…

Stovetop always beats the steep-in-the-mug method when it comes to chai. The end result for this rose masala chai is a warm and delicious hug in a mug with a subtle hint of rose to keep you cozy during the winter, but with a little taste of spring. Find the recipe here!


Self Reflection

Finding your resourceful, creative spark

Adapting the DIY before you buy mentality can be difficult. Gathering inspiration online is one of the easiest ways to get those creative juices flowing. Take advantage of whatever materials you have laying around, and adapt tutorials to fit your needs and preferences. Whether you are a seasoned DIY pro or a beginner, there is always more to learn and more experimenting to do!


Thrifted Style:

Trends come and go. When a new “trend” comes around, chances are you’ll find pieces from when it was in season a decade or so ago (or longer). The benefit lies in its quality that you just can’t get with fast fashion or mass-produced house ware.

Always opt for second-hand where possible. Re-using and reducing helps to reduce our carbon footprint.

To me, DIY means minimizing dependency on what others make for me.
— Fumio Sasaki